Today is Workers Memorial Day

Workers Memorial Day is today, April 28, and the labor movement is observing the occasion by remembering workers killed, injured, or made ill on the job while renewing the fight for strong safety and health protections.

More than 50 years ago on April 28, the Occupational Safety and Health Act went into effect, promising every worker the right to a safe job — a fundamental right. The law was won because of the tireless efforts of the labor movement, which organized for safer working conditions and demanded action from the government to protect working people.

The White House is also joining the effort, issuing a proclamation to honor every American worker who has sacrificed their own life or well-being; to stand with the unions that fight for them every day; and to recommit to protecting the fundamental right to a safe and healthy workplace.

“The best thing we can do to improve worker safety is urge Congress to pass the Richard L. Trumka Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act,” said Joseph Peters, Jr., Secretary-Treasurer of the Alliance. “It will make it easier to join or form a union — and a safer working environment is a key element for enjoying a more comfortable retirement later.”

The PRO Act, introduced by Representatives Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA) and Bobby Scott (D-VA) in the U.S. House as H.R. 20 and by Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) in the Senate as S. 567, would mean not only improved worker safety, but also other benefits such as pensions, employer contributions to retirement plans and improved health care coverage.

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