Retiree Group Endorses Christy Smith for Election to U.S. House

Cites Her Commitment to Protecting Earned Social Security and Medicare Benefits

Valencia – Members of the Alliance for Retired Americans proudly announced their endorsement of Christy Smith for election to the U.S. House of Representatives from California’s 27th Congressional District today. The Alliance for Retired Americans is a grassroots advocacy organization with more than 300,000 members across California.

“Christy Smith understands the challenges facing older Americans, and retirees in California can be confident that she will fight for their interests in Washington,” said Richard Fiesta, Executive Director of the Alliance. “She knows that seniors have earned the Social Security and Medicare benefits they rely on, and she will battle every day to protect them from cuts. We are pleased to endorse her.”

Ms. Smith’s opponent, Rep. Mike Garcia, has earned a lifetime score of just 13% in the Alliance’s Congressional Voting Record. He has voted against allowing Medicare to negotiate with drug corporations for lower drug prices and against capping insulin prices at $35 a month.

“Christy’s experience in the California State Assembly, including securing funding for the Santa Clarita Valley Senior Center, will be an asset for California seniors when she is in Congress,” Fiesta continued.

In addition, Fiesta praised Smith’s support for the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), legislation to make vaccines free for all Medicare beneficiaries; lower drug costs by requiring Medicare to negotiate lower drug prices for seniors; cap out-of-pocket drug costs at $2,000 a year; and cap insulin copays at $35 per month. Rep. Garcia voted against the IRA and its vital provisions.

“We can count on Christy to fight to allow Medicare to expand Medicare coverage to include vision, hearing and dental care,” Fiesta added. “Voting for the candidate who will put older Californians first is essential to our health and economic security.”


Contact: David Blank, [email protected]

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