New Retiree Voting Record Report Released

 Scores Congress on Votes Including the Landmark “Inflation Reduction Act”

Washington, DC – The Alliance for Retired Americans released its 2022 Congressional Voting Record, which scored each U.S. Senator and Representative on critical retirement security issues, today.

“Almost every member of Congress says they care about seniors while they are on the campaign trail,” said Richard Fiesta, Executive Director of the Alliance. “Our annual report shows which House and Senate members actually voted in older Americans’ best interests.”

Ten Senate and House floor votes are considered in the report. They include votes on bills and amendments to lower drug prices through the Inflation Reduction Act; protect voting rights; and pass the Postal Service Reform Act, which was critical to retirees who often rely on the postal service for at-home delivery of medications and election ballots.

In addition, Congress cast key votes on government funding, including the FY 2023 Consolidated Appropriations bill that funded all twelve federal agencies. The $1.7 trillion spending bill contained an important $785 million increase for the Social Security Administration to improve its response to Americans seeking assistance or information.

“What happens in Washington, DC has real consequences for retirees and their families all across the country. Votes in Congress can strengthen Americans’ retirement security or make it that much harder to achieve,” said Fiesta.

Fifty members of the U.S. Senate and 220 members of the U.S. House of Representatives earned perfect 100 percent scores. Twenty-three senators earned scores of 20% or below, including Rick Scott (FL, 10%), who has been at the forefront of GOP plans to cut Social Security and Medicare. Seventy-four House members earned a score of 0%.

Among the senators earning a score of 100% were Tammy Baldwin (WI), Sherrod Brown (OH); Bob Casey, Jr. (PA), Joe Manchin (WV), Jacky Rosen (NV) and Jon Tester (MT).

“The senior vote is a key to winning elections,” Fiesta added. “The Alliance voting record will be a valuable tool for older voters as they consider who to support in 2024.”

Both the national 2022 Congressional Voting Record and a version for each state delegation is available on the Alliance’s website.


Contact: David Blank, [email protected]

The post New Retiree Voting Record Report Released appeared first on Retired Americans.

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