You’re More FI Than You Think

With inflation taking a big chunk out of everyone’s paycheques, it seems like becoming financially independent is becoming increasingly hopeless.

But have you considered that you may already be FI, or be more FI than you think?

When people think of FIRE, they think of becoming financially independent in the current city they live and work in.

But here’s the thing. Once you become FI, you no longer need to work. Which means you no longer need to pay through the nose to live in a city with job opportunities. You no longer need to pay for crowds, stress, and be at the mercy of the real estate market.

You might be frustrated that you’re decades away from FIRE in a high cost of living city in North America, but in reality are either already FI or close to FI in many places around the world.

The post You’re More FI Than You Think appeared first on Millennial Revolution.

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